This policy is valid from 23 February 2016
This blog is a collaborative blog written by a group of individuals, created and supported by an organization. The Website contains weblogs,comments, facts, views, opinions, statements, recommendations,and other content, including without limitation links to external websites not owned or controlled by Placer Gold Writers.
For questions about this blog, please contact info@PlacerGoldWriters.org.
This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. We write for our own purposes. However, we may be influenced by our background, occupation, religion, political affiliation or experience.
The owner(s) of this blog will never receive compensation in any way from this blog.
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This is a collaborative Web Site; what you find here represents diverse opinions, thoughts, and standards of the person submitting it. Not all contributors are members of Placer Gold Writers. Not every member of the PGW agrees, supports, or endorses the opinions, thoughts, or standards of every other member, but each of us is free to express what’s important to us as writers, publishers, and marketers.
We are not responsible for any successes or failures / profits or losses that may occur as a result of the information, products, hints, tips, or ideas provided here. Any reliance upon website content is taken at the user’s sole risk.
All content on this site is owned by the author(s) or Organization and is displayed with no explicit or implied rights granted to the readers.
All content is presented on this site with the permission of the writer and may not be used for any other use.
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The owner of any content referenced on this site may request it be removed by contacting us at editors@PlacerGoldWritersInk.com
Placer Gold Writers does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. PGW is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all its members and guests, as well as any third-party providers and vendors. Members are expected to respect this commitment with fellow members and guests, as well respect the varying values when sharing controversial or explicit material.