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 ♦  Author: Patrick Witz 2412
 ♦ Categories: Ink News

Kickstarter Campaign

Update #7

Update #7

#1: The Numbers -  3-Days To Go – 107% Funded – 79 Awesome Backers.

#2: Appreciations - A huge THANK YOU to all of our supportive Backers.

#3: Updates - The entire book's Final Editing process will be completed before the end of the KS Campaign. Once the final edit is done, any/all minor corrections will be addressed, Appreciation Pages compiled/added, and the final formatting for both print and eBooks will begin. We are negotiating our anticipated needs with the printer. 

We are pleased to announce that our youngest member, Jenny Berg, is launching her first Young Adult publication at the same time as "Through Button Eyes". To support her success, we will be including the cover and first chapter of her new book "My Protector" at the end of "Through Button Eyes". This is the first book in her series.

#4: Wish List:  - It is with great hope that additional Backers will pre-order the book, therein giving us sufficient funds to do a larger national marketing/promotional campaign. Please Recommend Our KS Campaign To Others! Oh... and don't forget to add yourself to our Writing Group's mailing list:

Again, thank you for supporting our first publication.

ps: Please "Like" our updates, leave a "Comment", or send us a KS "Message"... we'd love to hear what you think of our KS Campaign.

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