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 ♦  Author: Patrick Witz 2120
 ♦ Categories: Ink News

Kickstarter Campaign

Update #6

Update #6

Hello Awesome Backers… thank you for your pre-ordering support. We are finalizing the editing process and formatting the book for publication.

NEW OPPORTUNITIES: We are looking into hiring a couple professional review distribution companies to spread the book's awareness beyond our family, friends, and local community networks. Upon completion of the KS Campaign, our anthology will be competing with millions of other books on Amazon and in other major book retailers. Purchasing these high visibility review distribution networks from reputable professional companies will most certainly broaden our book’s national awareness. These companies have huge reader and bookstore followings that can lead to better national book rankings and expose our anthology to a broader potential buyer base.

Please continue to spread the word on our KS Campaign… there are only 7 days left to pre-order.

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